Cash 4 Car Keys is a USA based company specializing in recycling used, overstocked, and otherwise unwanted car keys and keyless entry remotes. We buy all types of keys and keyless entry remotes: new, used, clean, dirty, OEM, aftermarket, all-in-one remote keys (even if they are already cut), as well as “smart” keys. In short—we buy them all. No matter the make, model or year of the vehicle it’s designed for—we even buy parts. At this time we are also accepting good condition navigation disks. Please note that we are currently only accepting bulk orders. We cannot accept orders smaller than 10 remotes.
OK! You’re ready to turn that pile of remotes into a pile of cash! Easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Collect
All Makes.
All Models.
All Years.

2. Ship
Our materials.
Prepaid returns.
Print shipping slip

3. Get Paid
We usually send payment within 3-4 weeks after receiving your shipment.

Request a Quote

"Thanks so much, I've had that shoebox full of remotes sitting here collecting dust and who'd of thought someone would pay me $1500.00 for it!!!"
Joseph Gust, Provo, UT
"We thought these were pretty much worthless....but you guys have made my car payments for six months now..."
Shirley Masteffsun, Gloucester, MA
"As far as I'm concerned, I just found four free $100 bills..."
Teddy Henry, New York, NY
"I never would have though my old nav cd could have been anything more than a drink coaster for the garage. Guess I was wrong."
Jeff Stromberg, Fort Worth, TX